JSON table Viewer and Editor Tools comparison

Edit big json files using a GUI can be challenging, especially big array. For example features like replacing a given field in any nested object included in this array is not easily achievable, even when using regex depending on the structure, with field name repetition at different level.

Comparison with existing tool

Testing with a 1mb json file, containing only 1000 rows and 220 different fields

Alternatives to Json crack

Json crack is a tool to visualize json as graph. In their landing page they assert to be the "best JSON viewer tool to visualize, format and modify"

It fails to render anything with a 1mb json file, containing only 1000 rows and 220 different fields. On firefox the tab crash

Alternatives to json2table/jsontableviewer/jsontotable

json2table, jsontableviewer, jsontotable, are all a "2 columns" based web app with 1 column for the raw json and 1 column for the table

It takes time to render the table, then it is almost impossible to read anything when there are a lot of data due to the layout used: nested fields are rendered as sub-table generating extra space in each rows. Experience is not smooth but it does not crash the tab

Alternatives to jsongrid

jsongrid is an all in one json solution, it provides also features like validator, formatter

It tries to not render all rows at once but it generates lag when scrolling. In additions, only 100 rows can be displayed at once, making the experience not smooth

Alternatives to Jsonmatrix

jsonmatrix provides a table and tree viewer. In addition, it stores your data remotely on firebase.

It fails to render anything with a 1mb json file, containing only 1000 rows and 220 different fields. On firefox tab is frozen

Alternatives to jsonbuddy

jsonbuddy looks promising but it is not open source.